Happy New Year!
As we enter a new year, it is time to recommit ourselves to
those things that are the most important to us. One of those is our families.
Scouting is a program that promotes and encourages family togetherness,
engaging in positive activities that are beneficial to ourselves as well as
other people.
In order to achieve a well-balanced life, we must be good
managers of our time. Time to be split between family, work, recreation and for
us, Scouting. Within Scouting, we must also manage our time in order to be
effective. With this thought in mind, I want to repeat my request that each of
us consider the role in Scouting which we find most enjoyable and where we feel
we can be most helpful in fulfilling our mission. And then, to limit
ourselves to serving in that one position.
Doing this will not only benefit our family but also the
Scouting program to which we are so devoted. When we occupy multiple positions,
we risk not doing either one to the best of our ability. We also risk not
giving enough time or attention to our family or our vocation. And also
detrimental, we keep other people from becoming involved as volunteers.
For 33 years I have heard the argument, “…there aren’t
enough volunteers to fill these roles.” Upon deeper examination I have found in
every instance that we simply did not ask enough people to serve.
I hope you have a blessed and productive 2017.