Wednesday, June 21, 2017

“Eagle Out” Term Banned From Use.


Well, if it was up to me I would outlaw the use of the term, “Eagle Out.”

During my career I have had the pleasure of attending hundreds of Eagle Scout Courts of Honor. In most of these an “Eagle Charge” has been presented as part of the program. The following is an excerpt from one such challenge:

“As an Eagle Scout, you have assumed a solemn obligation to do your duty to God, to your country and to all mankind. Others will be watching you, expecting you to lead by example. In living up to these obligations, you will bring honor to yourself and to all other Eagle Scouts.

I charge you to undertake your citizenship with a solemn dedication. Be a leader, but lead only toward the best. Lift up every task you do and every office you hold to the highest level of service to God and your fellow man. So live and serve, that those who know you will be inspired to be and do better. Be among those who dedicate their skills and abilities to the common good.

Lead with a solid foundation of clean living, honest work, unselfish citizenship and reverence to God, and you will leave behind a record of which every Scout may be proud.”

By including this charge in the court of honor program, we suggest to the Eagle Scout that there is even more expected of him now. That it is his responsibility to give leadership to his fellow scouts and his community. And yet, contrary to this charge, people frequently use the term, “Eagle Out,” explaining and justifying why a boy ceases to be actively involved in his troop. If I could, I would eliminate the use of the term, “Eagle Out,” and encourage Eagles to give back to their troop by staying involved and to continue to provide leadership to their fellow scouts in weekly meetings, at campouts and especially at summer camp.