Thursday, February 15, 2018

The following message was received by Council Commissioner Tony Sitz. It illustrates why the work you do in support of Scouting's mission is so very important. There is a solution to the inappropriate behaviors that have permeated the news over the past year: Teach our youth to be Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent.


I would like to share with you the following message that our Chartered Organization Representative sent this morning to our Troop email list, and the open reply of one parent.  It is a great reminder that what we do in Scouting makes a difference.  Feel free to share as you see fit.

 Message from our Chartered Organization Representative:

I would like to say thank you for every participant from our Troop in yesterday's Scout Sunday service.  You all made us proud for your part in the service either by being an acolyte, reading, ushering or just by showing your support by being there in full uniform.  We thank you all, scouts and parents.  People took notice.


Open response from a parent:

And I, personally, would like to extend a thank you to the 10 leaders who were up there with all the boys! 

I know that each of you do this as a service, and are not being paid (and I'm not sure there is enough money to tempt you if your heart were not in it).  I am so appreciative that you take your time each week to spend with our sons.  Some of them don't have great role models at home and need this more than you know!

I appreciate each one of you!