I am thrilled to report to you a successful Join Scouting
Night recruitment effort within the Little Rock School District (LRSD.) On
August 27th, in 30 schools, we recruited 412 new boys which is
149 more youth than we recruited in those same schools last year. This
represents a 57% increase over 2014 results for these same schools.
From what we have seen and heard, the discounted joining fee
contributed in part to the success. As always, no great plan can succeed without
leadership and effort from volunteers and staff alike. So, congratulations to
everyone in the Mohawk District for a successful campaign and for providing the
opportunity for Scouting to make a significant, positive impact on the lives of
so many young boys and their families.
The success experienced in Mohawk last night gives us all
hope and optimism for similar success in all other schools that will conduct
their Join Scouting Night on September 3rd. We as leaders need to
share that success story and personally demonstrate enthusiasm for the
potential success of next Thursday’s event. Our attitudes can be a significant
factor in the enthusiasm and effort shown by our volunteers over the critical
next six days.
Remember that a smile goes a long way. The very best unit
leaders who operate the best units are ones who have a positive attitude and
visibly enjoy their volunteer work. Their enthusiasm attracts and incites other
adults/parents to volunteer within the unit. As leaders we can have a significant
impact on the degree of success achieved throughout all subsequent recruitment
efforts by showing that we enjoy our work and the challenge presented by the
Join Scouting Night project.
The rest of the schools to go September 3rd have
the advantage of not having a last minute change and of having ample promotion
in traditional as well as new and innovative methods including social media.
This is an opportunity of which we must take full advantage .
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